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Willie's Chili

This is the recipe my father, Willie, passed down to me. Beginning around age 4 our outings together always included a trip to the Spice House to get all the fixings for the next project. 40 years later I now have the privilege of working in the Milwaukee store.

Submitted by: Kate from Milwaukee, Wi
Yield: 4 quarts


Preparation Instructions:

In a heavy bottomed soup pot (Dutch oven works well), heat the oil. Add all the cut vegetables and saute until the onions are translucent. Add the ground beef and sausage, mixing often to break up the larger chunks. Once the meat is fully cooked, drain off the excess fat. Add all the spices and chilis, and stir until evenly distributed. Leave the whole chilies whole, if the chili seems to be getting too hot, just take them out. Stir in the tomatoes and bring to a simmer. Stir in 2 cups of beef broth and let simmer until reduced by half, stirring often. Do the same with the V-8 juice. Repeat. This process can take up to four hours. Check the seasoning and add salt if necessary. Mix in the cornmeal, constantly stirring until chili is the desired thickness. Add the beans and let simmer a few minutes more. Serve with any sides: crackers, cheese, sour cream, onions, noodles....

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