Steak Cutlets with Chipotle Glaze

I saw a variation of this as a rub with brown sugar for salmon. I felt it was pretty close to the Gateway blend and came up with this. I thought the glaze was much too sweet and modified it slightly, shifting some of the cherry to chipotle. It's still not a hot glaze and should be enjoyable by most people.
Michael - The Spice House Milwaukee Staff
Submitted by: Michael from West Allis, WI
Yield: 4
Preparation Instructions:
Combine the marinade ingredients and mix well.
Cut the steak into strips of about one inch by fours inches, add to marinade. Marinade at least two hours.
Combine the glaze ingrdients in a small food processor and puree.
Grill or broil the steak. Apply the glaze as you would BBQ sauce.