Chasity's Chicken Paprikash

Yield: 4-5 servings
Preparation Instructions:
Heat butter in a Dutch oven or large skillet with a lid. Add onion and sauté over low heat until translucent.
Add chicken pieces and brown lightly on both sides. Add tomato, garlic, and sweet or hot paprika.
Season to taste with salt and pepper and stir in water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook 35 minutes or until chicken is tender.
Remove chicken to a heated platter and keep warm by loosely tenting with aluminum foil.
In a small bowl, whisk together sour cream with flour. Temper the sour cream mixture with some of the pan juices. Return tempered sour cream mixture to pan and simmer until juices are thickened. Return chicken to pan to rewarm.
Portion into heated bowls or plates, and serve with nokedli, which are similar to German spaetzle, or another type of noodle, or rice.